About Me

hello, Im a third year BA Hons illustration student currently studying at Hull School of Art and design. At the moment i am working on developing my portfolio ,playing to my strengths and interest, which include portraiture as well as children's book illustration. i hope to use my blog to record my progress as i work on building up substantial work feeding into each of these areas.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Connect Create
I am currently working on a brief called connect and create directed to a portrait exhibition at Ferens Art Gallery in Hull. The idea is to create a portrait which has been influenced by works viewed already existing in the Ferens. i have decided to use Lucian Freud’s piece Small Head, as my influence, the characteristic i have chosen to depict from his work, is his ability to be brutally honest with his work. He doesn’t air brush or take away any ‘imperfections’. i have decided to do a portrait of my father who passed away in march last year. i have chosen to portray my father as he is someone very close to my heart and therefore i feel this will show in my work. i am going to paint in my own style while bearing in mind Lucian Freud’s method of working creating a true to life portrait of my father. i am also create a very facial focused image which is also apparent in Lucian’s painting, Small Face.

This is an image scanned in from my sketch book showing research into the expressions and the impact eyes can have on the viewer.

here is a pencil drawing taken from the pages of my sketchbook, i am particularly pleased with this image. The idea was to investigate the ageing of the skin through line and how these lines can tell a story of the kind of life this person has lead. i want my final piece to speak to the viewer as well as having a visual impact.

Below is another image from my sketchbook, i do not think this as successful as the last image due to line making. Also it freaks me out!

This image shows youth rather than maturity. i like the energy in this drawing and hope to keep this energy flowing through the development of this project

Here are a few images of my painting so far. I still have details  to add in the hair, eyes and skin as well as evening out the skin tones. 


Calender Image

For our third year we have decided to create a collaborative calender. After discussing ideas for a theme we decide on the idea of a colour chart which would gradually change for each month and flow throughout. The colour assigned to each month applies to the seasonal colour's. My assigned month is january. january immediately made me think of the cold and snow, i began to play around with various images i final decided on this image of a snow leopard keeping it mainly black and white and adding a hint of colour to it, which in this case is a 'ofwhite'/ cream.

Studio wall ( i use the word studio in the loosest of terms, more like spare bedroom)

i like to put my sketches on the wall so they are always accessible, they help me think and refer back to earlier work for ideas.

Tone Character image
Here is an image i drew for Tone, a collaborative zine created and edit by Abi Nottingham, who is also a third year Illustration student. The Theme for this addition of tone was Character. I decided to submit a charcoal drawing of a baby rhino as i believe the black and white textures of the charcoal pencil would lend itself to greyscale printing.

I have also created a WWF poster with this image, directed towards my final portfolio project consisting of a series of children's books, raising awareness of the top ten endangered animals, which i shall beginning after christmas.

I also used my calendar image for the same purpose....

Below is the result of a experimental play around with scanned in charcoal drawing coloured on painter, the image itself is slightly crude and not perfect but this seems to add life to the drawing.

Larkin image

The image below is taken from my sketchbook, i intend to include sketchbook work in my blog as i believe it shows the all important though process which leads to a final piece. I love the charm of sketches and believe they play a important role in the development of my work.

Sketches for ' Love Match Editorial

Here is one of the images for this editorial this one is for the pet date website, i decided to draw a lonely british bull dog looking for love. i like the vibrance of the colours in this image, however my tutor advised me to maybe rethink the proportion of the dogs paws.
 Hello sailor.......
this image is for a website names love sail. It is for those who have a passion for sailing and is created so that these lonely hearts may find another which share their passion.

Below is an experiment with watercolour. This image is intended for an editorial for an article on collectable bears. i am pleased with the image but feel i may have rushed it towards the end when painting the feet and lower body of the bear.

Christmas card designs to be sold at lamp

i decided to redo this image a i was not pleased with the night sky. i have not used watercolour paper for this piece and so the paint has not took to the paper so well. 
Digitally coloured version

I like the colours of the robin and the feathered effect i gained from using watercolour as my chosen material. 

I am particularly pleased with this image. I like the tonal qualities of the piece as well as the facial expression of the penguin.

New year 2011

Below are some illustrations i produced for my website. The first drawing, below i began at a fundraiser hosted by myself and the rest of my third year group at lamp.  Afterwards i deciding to use this character and other meerkats as a running theme for my website.

Above; home page illustration

Above and Below; spot illustration

Competition piece for Egg Mag

Promoting the importance of greenery and the survival of the honey bee in cities.

Self promotion piece

I have being working on a self promo piece to send off to agencies and agents. i came up with the idea of some kind of animal or monster eating a jumble of letters which would later be organised into my contact detailed when digested in the stomach of my character. i created an image for the front and back of a wallet which would hold a piece of card with the monsters insides illustrated onto it and in the stomach of the beast lies my details, this piece will be revealed by a pull tag.




Prints: tote bags and T-shirts

My designs which i printed to sell at our fundraiser at lamp.

The stall

The white has a nice crisp clean feel to it where as the red is striking but a little too bright and dazzling for the eyes to take.

The yellow version of the print adds colour, but without the crudeness which the red embodies. 

WWF Top 10 endangered animals

Degree show

Overall i am really pleased with the end result of my degree show, i believe i have let the work speak for itself making the pieces displayed strong and individual.